We write and circulate media alerts and press releases, specializing in tour press for bands and musicians; setting up interviews and working with venues and concert promoters as well as regional media outlets to help maximize ticket sales. We service new album releases to media outlets—pitching for features, interviews, reviews, and more to print, online, podcasts, blogs, radio and TV contacts; and provide detailed reporting back to our clients.


I remember when the internet became a viable way to share and release music--two-plus decades ago.  Everything was slowwwwwww, you couldn't really send attachments by email because the files were too big, and you definitely couldn't send videos easily.  Streaming platforms like Soundcloud and Spotify and YouTube hadn't come around yet, though iTunes and iPods were early game-changers.  (ed. note: wow, this is sounding like one of those "in my day" rants, but I promise it's not!)

I tell you this because today things are very different.  Broadband and Fiber Optic lines have sped up internet speed significantly, meaning sending large files is so much easier and, maybe more importantly, widely accepted.  As a publicist, I can't even begin to tell you how much this has changed the game, by helping us promote the music of our clients and labels' artists.  We can send and receive links to music and it's SO easy now to just click and listen.  

Of course, that's not the whole story.  There is so much music out there and so many outlets to cover it.  It's my job to get the music of the artists we represent out there, and while it's great to be able to share easily and quickly; it makes securing placements, airplay, or any kind of coverage at all harder to come by.  Throw in the fact that print magazines and newspapers and even online publications are constantly cutting editorial staff--especially music journalists.  Our campaigns now include pitching for Spotify playlists, because it's all about getting those streaming numbers up. 

Today, outlets considering coverage look at an artist's social media followers and streaming numbers.  Record labels, booking agents, and managers look at these too.  I sometimes feel like a dinosaur because what still matters to me first and foremost is the music itself--how and how much it moves me to stop what I'm doing and really listen.  The numbers are generally secondary. 

The best part of my job as a publicist is two-fold: to hear from someone at a media outlet to let me know that said music had the same effect on them that it had on me.  It's validation, yes; but it's also a great feeling to introduce someone to a new band I'm working with and to have them become fans, too. The other part of this gig that I love is sending my clients links to coverage, especially when it's positive or in a big and/or respected outlet.  

So I hope you will check out what we're promoting, both the music itself and the lives shows.  Thanks for listening, and have a great month!--Mike

Previously announced upcoming releases
Will Kimbrough: For the Life of Me
  (May 3)

Ciara Grace: Write it Down
 (May 10)

Red Wanting Blue: Light It Up (June 7)

Recent releases:
Bill Toms: "I Fulfilled My Dream" (single)

The Coal Men: Everett

Companies we currently partner with:

Rounder/Concord Records—We are currently working tour press for Concord Records and Rounder Records --  including some of Rounder's rising stars, such as Sarah Jarosz, Amythyst Kiah, Ruston Kelly, John R. Millerand Bella White.  On the Concord side, we are working with I Don't Know How but They Found Me (iDKHow for short), Daffo, and John Vincent III; also, jazz artists Boney James and Hiromi's Sonicwonder.  There are some new releases that these artists are supporting, so we have hyperlinked their respective online media kits.

On the road again.....and now
The Wildwoods

Sean Chambers

There I Ruined It

The Weight Band

David Wilcox

Red Wanting Blue 

Chris Knight


Church of Cash

Pure Prairie League

Parrothead Paradise, A Jimmy Buffett Show

Brian Lisik

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Listen up.